The key is seeing that what conservativism seeks to conserve is a workable form of modern democracy. A monarchist, for example, is not the same thing as a conservative.
What you've done in this essay works out well enough, and it reminds me that I need to learn more about the Cynics, and the Canaanite religions, but you are not going to be able to go back and categorize a.) all religions and religious sects, b) all philosophies, c) all political factions, whether the ones in monarchical court-life or in republican debate, as belonging to either Left or Right.
What is the significance of pairing "leftward" and "rightist" but not using "leftist / leftism?"
For alternative view, which does trace things back to late-18th-century France, see my "Conservatism in Relation to Perennial Political Wisdom," which is heavily based on an essay by Harvey Mansfield with the title of "A Plea for Constitutional Conservatism."
The key is seeing that what conservativism seeks to conserve is a workable form of modern democracy. A monarchist, for example, is not the same thing as a conservative.
What you've done in this essay works out well enough, and it reminds me that I need to learn more about the Cynics, and the Canaanite religions, but you are not going to be able to go back and categorize a.) all religions and religious sects, b) all philosophies, c) all political factions, whether the ones in monarchical court-life or in republican debate, as belonging to either Left or Right.